Farmers Forum
Farmers are pivotal in their role in the Chew Valley.
In the heart of communities, hard-working, feeding local people and beyond, intimately knowledgeable of the local landscape and its history - and critical in its future.
Quick Links Farmer’s Contact Form Farmer’s Resources
As custodians of our beautiful landscape, farmers know the value of trees within it.
Integrating more trees into the landscape has proven to enhance yield, productivity, and ultimately, profit. A series of schemes are now available to farmers to help support and fund them to plant trees.
We want to help farmers navigate these schemes so that together we can double our tree cover in ten years.
For an insight into some of the research, science and local observations which are guiding our actions, have a read of the Terra Sulis Woodlands website.
If you’re interested in helping make this happen, please fill out the form below and we’ll get in touch to tell you more.
Farmer & Landowner Contact Form

Farmer Resources
Grants, Information and Funding opportunities
The Forestry Commission
If you're a farmer or landowner, you could diversify your business, earn income, and improve your land and its contribution to society and the wider environment, all by creating woodland on your land. Watch the animation to find out more.
The following new materials are now available:
How trees can stack up to help your farm business diversify (Forestry Commission blog)
Grow your income using every part of a tree (Infographic, Forestry Commission blog)
The benefits of woodland creation: Woods Mean Business (Factsheet, GOV.UK)
Grants for private landowners from the Woodland Trust
If you’re looking to plant lots of trees, the Woodland Trust have the trees, grants and funding schemes to help.
Learn more
Forestry Commission grants
There are several grants and other incentives available for woodland creation, maintenance, management and tree health.
Funding round-up from Somerset Wildlife Trust
There are loads of tree-planting grants and giveaways available to both communities and private landowners to give you a head start with your planting projects.
Right tree right place
Right tree right place advice for Somerset
Guidance about planting trees on farmland from the Sustainable Food Trust.
The England Trees Action Plan 2021-2024 from the UK Government
The Protected Landscape Scheme: Guidance from Mendip Hills AONB
This programme is designed to provide funding for one-off projects which allows farmers and land managers in protected landscapes to deliver on-the-ground outcomes for nature-friendly, sustainable farm businesses. From July 2021 to March 2024 the programme will run alongside, not in the place of, existing schemes, to give farmers extra support to help protect the Mendip Hills.
The Protected Landscape Scheme: Government Information
If you’re a farmer or land manager, you can get funding to support and improve Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), National Parks and the Broads from the Government.
Funding Opportunities
Are you thinking of planting trees on your land but are not sure how to fund this? Here is a handy list of possibilities:
The Complete Hedge Good Management Guide
Why Farmers Like Hedges
Agroforestry: A win-win for the future of farming?
Hedgerow Management Advice
Hedgerow Guide
A useful resource about agroforestry
Turning over a new leaf: the humble hedge stages a remarkable comeback
Chew Valley Plants Trees has a Resource bank full of information on grants, land use, tree-planting and more.