on tree planting, the environment, grants & more
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Bristol Tree Forum
Dedicated to promoting the planting & preservation of trees in Bristol.
Woodland Creation Conference Report
What should be done for England to fulfil share of UK’s goal of 30,000 hectares of new woodland per year until 2025.
The Natural History Consortium
Engaging People with the Natural world through collaborative action, Nature Events and activities incl. Festival of Nature.
Moor Trees
Restore native broadleaf woodland by growing trees from local seeds, planting - connecting people with woodland, enabling re-engagement with trees and natural environments.
Forest of Avon Trust
Run projects & activities to bring the benefits of trees to people in Bristol & Avon now and deliver a more sustainable future.
Reimagining the Greenbelt - help us bring the wild closer to home
"Greenbelt as increasing biodiversity & to sequester carbon with societal and environmental benefits.
Projects & ideas."
Quartet Foundation
To support schemes that will help cut carbon emissions and bring financial savings or other social benefits.
Wessex Water
Funding for projects which bring people together to make a stronger community.
Heritage Fund
Fund projects that connect people and communities to the national, regional and local heritage of the UK.
Theresa Villiers' speech to Oxford Farming Conference - January 8 2020
"Film - Vision for future farming.
Jan 2020."